Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Cowboy in US History

The Western cowboy was often seen as a free, rugged man who didn't have a care in the world for fancy living. Many people thought that the life of a cowboy was great and most men wanted to be one back in that time. But, in reality, a cowboy was just a low paid worker who couldn't afford fancy living and didn't have very much. A cowboy usually just had a horse and water; that was really all he needed to survive.They relied on nature for their food and shelter and that is the reason they are known as nature men. Cowboys have always been mistaken by many people for having a great, adventurous, free life. Although, many cowboys didn't like their lifestyle and longed for a family and home.

Not only was the life of a cowboy depicted different than it actually was, but life in the West was also seen differently from people who didn't live in that world. As an example, I can remember growing up and always seeing movies or books based on cowboys fighting Indians. Honestly, I thought that cowboys and Indians fought each other until I learned otherwise in US History. Cowboys and Indians had no problems with each other and were never seen really "battling" one another in the West. The majority of Americans think they know lots of information on the West based on their view of the cowboys and Indians, but in actuality they are not understanding the real day-to-day life the people in the West had to live because of all the lies they have been told. This includes the Chinese coming into the West and basically taking it over, immigration from all over Europe to the West and the struggles people in the West went through to keep their families going. Speaking for myself, I had never once heard anything about the Chinese ever coming into the West until this class. It makes me feel a whole lot more knowledgeable knowing about what actually went on in the West and America in general.

Most people back then and even some today believe that a cowboy is an untamed, scruffy man that no one wanted their daughter to fall in love with. People also believe that cowboys were dangerous men who wanted to start wars with Indians and other people that lived around them. Is it America's fault for the way people see Cowboys? Yes and no. It is truly no one's fault for many American's wrong impression on Western cowboys. Also, cowboys in a way brought it on themselves by living the lifestyle that they lived. Although many of them couldn't help the low pay job they had to work because that might have been the only job they could have gotten. The cowboys were happy with their way of life for the most part and the way they lived gave people the impression they have of them today.

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