Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 15 Reflection

Before this unit of study in US history, I did not know much at all about the Post-Civil War South. I knew that slavery had been abolished and that it was very hard times for the freed blacks due to their lack of jobs and trying to find a place to live in. After learning more about this topic, I now understand why the South's economy was so bad. Their economy was so bad because of the devastation the war caused on the land and fields. I also knew that the South's economy was based on agriculture so that really explained it for me and showed me why it was not thriving after the war. Another thing I learned about in this unit was about the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. Growing up I have always heard those terms but never really understood what they meant. Now I know that the 13th amendment abolished slavery, the 14th amendment gave all citizens their natural rights, and the 15th gave people voting rights. I could never have come up with those answers before this unit. I also did not quit realize the horrible struggles the freed blacks faced after the war. I never thought about having to move far away from where they would work long hot days on the plantations. Nor did I think about them having to deal with the bad thoughts and remembering their past lives.

It is very important for people to know and understand the history of the place in which they live in because of how important it is to not be selfish and to realize what people had to go through to get the place they live in to be the way it is now. Also, I think that people should at least know what wars were fought in the place they live in and why they were fought. Knowing what life was like before the war compared to after is also a very important factor as well. Learning and studying about the history of ones home city or state is very beneficial because it might make one appreciate where they live more. I know that after learning all about the Civil War it has made me realize how lucky I am to live in the South and have it be the way it is. Although, there are some things I could have kept the same about it from Pre-Civil War I could not be happier with where I live now.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for really thinking about what you've learned, Patton!
